Belmont Holds August 2021 Commencement, Celebrates 2020 Graduates with In-Person Ceremony

Student at commencement

Belmont University will hold two commencement ceremonies on August 13 in the Curb Event Center, one for August 2021 graduates at 5 p.m. and one retro-active ceremony at 10 a.m. for students who graduated in 2020 but were unable to participate in an in-person ceremony due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Belmont will award 139 bachelor’s degrees, 144 master’s degrees and 48 doctoral degrees to the August Class of 2021. Participants from the May and August Class of 2020 will include 422 bachelor’s degrees, 31 master’s degrees and 39 doctoral degrees.

Belmont President Dr. L. Gregory Jones will preside over the events, and José González, assistant professor of entrepreneurship and management, will deliver the commencement addresses. González is the 2020-21 Presidential Faculty Achievement Award recipient, a title awarded for the outstanding contributions he has made to student success.

Sponsored by Belmont’s Office of Alumni Relations, all graduates, family, guests, faculty and staff are invited to join President Greg and Rev. Susan Jones at a reception immediately following each ceremony on the lawn next to the Johnson Center. The commencement reception provides an opportunity for graduates and their families to meet and mingle with faculty, administrators and fellow graduates.

More information and a livestream of each ceremony is available at