Alumnus Elected Alpha Man of the Year by Tau Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Reverend Andre Waller
Belmont alumnus Reverend Andre Waller

Belmont alumnus Reverend Andre’ Waller was recently selected as Alpha Man of the Year by the Tau Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Each year, Tau Lambda has a Founders’ Day Scholarship Luncheon at which members are presented with scholarships and highlighted for their work.

Waller shared, “We have over 150 members in our chapter, so this award is an incredible honor. It was such a pleasant surprise to hear my bio read, as I am just one in less than a handful of members that are Belmont alumni.”

Alpha Man of the Year is considered the most coveted honor bestowed on a member of the Tau Lambda chapter. The recipient of the award must be nominated and voted on by the brotherhood, as well as meet a number of criteria including having leadership positions and projects implemented on behalf of the chapter, personal integrity, new and creative influences to chapter initiatives and contributions to community service beyond his profession, among others.

Rev. Waller will now represent the Tau Tambda chapter at the district, regional and national levels in the Brother of the Year competition for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.