Cates Elected Board Chair for Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame

Sarah Cates head shot

Sarah Cates, director of Development and industry Relations for Belmont’s Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business and a 2003 Belmont alumna, was recently elected board chair for the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Foundation (NaSHOF). She is the first female to serve with that title, joining Hall of Fame songwriter Wayland Holyfield (vice-chair), Rich Hallworth (secretary) and Mike Vaden (treasurer) as officers for 2019. Cates has served on the Foundation’s board since 2015.

“Serving an organization that celebrates world-renowned creators in one of Music City’s most iconic professions is a deep honor to me,” says Cates.  “The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame exists to honor this city’s history of songwriting excellence. I will do my best to serve this mission, as we honor the legacy of our members and celebrate Nashville as home to the finest songwriters from all genres of music.”